Riga Zoo
City: Riga
Country: Latvia
Province: Riga
Species 486
Opend 14.10.1912
Its a zoo where you meet giraf's, tigers, wilde reindeers, maned wolves, japanese macaques, ringtailed lemurs, grey seals, zebras, hippos and kiangs
Vis stort kort
Last visitet 2015
Rigas Nacionalais zoologiskais darzs
Meza prospekts 1
LV-1014 Riga
Phone 67 51 84 09
Open minimum 10am-5pm
Entrance fee
Adult 15 €
Child 6 €
Family* 31 €
*Family tickets are valid for 1 parent and 3 children or 2 parents and 2 children, each additional child costs 3 €
Kids will love the petting zoo
19tn century: The People of the city wants a zoo like the one in Königsberg, Moscow and St Petersburg, but the city thaught it would be to expensive
13th June 1907 The city gets an application for putting a zoo in the Kaiser forest
19th march 1908 200 stockholder creat an association to found a zoo in the Kaiser forest, this is registratet on September 29th the same year
10th february 1909 the Association meets officially for the first time
11th jannuary 1910 the city gives an ok to build a zoo at the Kaiser forest, the same year the tram is extendet to the area
13th april 1911 The association signs a contract saying that the zoo shall be opend with in 5 years and at least show 75 different species. The zoo concentrates in the beginning on Latvian animals
November 1911 the bear housr is finished, home for 4 animals
7th february 1912 the zoo opens, but has to be closed on the 7th april, since the animals are bullied by local since the zoo is open for 24 hours
15th April the zoo reopens and takes an entrance fee of 15 kap for adults.
13th may the zoo restaurant opens
August 1912 a pavillion for birds of prey and a monkey house is donated
4th October 1912 the zoo has 88 different species
14th October 1912 the city recognizes the zoo, thus this is called the officially opening day
In 1913 the zoo gets a black panther, a sunbear, 4 monkeys, 2 pelicans and turtles from Indochina (Vietnam). Later on it gets elephants
1914 Office building, entrance building, elephant house, monkey house and a aquarium are opened
21st 1914 february the zoo gets a couple of wisent (soon after they breed which was quite rare back then, the animals where almost extinct), a group of samoyeds are on show for 6 month
7th august 1915 the first lion cubs are born
1917 The most valuable animals where taken to Germany, the rest shot
1917-21 the zoo runs as a basic zoo for people goingon the countryside in summer
1921-35 the zoo is transformed in to a summer colony for children
10th september 1932 Its decided by the Forest department to reopen a zoo with Latvian animals for propaganda reasons and officially announced the 2nd november 1932
27th june 1933 the city accept the idear and the state can rent 2 hectare for 1 lat a year to 1938
19th december 1933 the zoo reopens with 124 native species
31st may 1934 The zoo gets its first exotic animals like bisons, baboons, cockatoos and aguti. Later same year to male lions arrive
11th april 1935 the zoo gets beavers, reindeer and english park cattle, a month later a load of brazilian animals arrive, like capuchin monkeys and spider monkeys
13th august 1935 a lionhouse it beeing build
8th April 1936. From Warsaw comes lions, wolves, dongos and ferrets. Later the year Bengal tigers, porcupines, toucans, penguins and rhesus monkeys. In 1936 the monkey house is rebuild
1937 More or less all carnivores get new cages and enclosures, the reptile house is beeing renovated. The zoo gets lions, bactrian camels and Asian black bears so that the zoo now has 106 species
1938 there is beeing build a new monkey house and 7 aviaries for birds of prey.
1939 A new lion house and houses for ungulates are build and the zoo gets its old size.
1940 As a new part of the Soviet union the zoodirector was taken to jail and a year later to work camp in siberia. The new one though made the zoo blossom and severasl animals gave birs, as well where new animals bought - so in 1944 it had 179 different species. The zoo even started growing their own crops.
1948 A new aquarium building was build
1950 The zoo started breeding silk worm as well as building a reptile house.
1952 A Bengal tiger was born and nursed by hand, the storries where published later on. In general where the decade 1945-55 a good breeding year for tigers and lions
1956 A pair of Kiangs arrive from Beijing Zoo (China)
In the 1950s-60s young carnivores and herbivores where kept in the same cage
At the end of the 1950s Riga zoo was the 2nd largest of the Soviet Union
1966 The first hippo calf is born
1979 the bear enclosures where buils. The zoo has 367 species
1980-85 A flamingo house, kangaroo enclosure, terrariun, hippo house and kiang enclosure was opened or renovated.
Since 1982 the zoo works togehter with Kobe zoo (japan) and Rostock zoo (Germany)
1987 An ecology laboratory opened, a year later some animals are re-introduced to the wild. The same year the monkey house gets renovated.
5th april 1990 An Asian elephant is born
1991 Latvia gets independent, there for in stead of the usual 700.000 visitors annually only 100.000 come
1992 The zoo becomes a member of EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria), the same year is recognised as National zoo
1994 House for Latvian amphibians and reptiles opens
1997 Lemurs and Galapagos tortoises get theire own house. The aquarium gets renovated
1998 The tiger enclosure opens. The kangaroo and lion enclosures gets renovated
1999 A farm opens with farm animals from Latvia
25th may 2001 A tropical house with more than 80 species opens which includes an aquarium and a night zoo. The pelicans and cranes get new homes
2002 the seal and lesser panda enclosures opens, the zoo gets a home page
2004 Enclosures for takins and the arctic fox opens
2007 The giraffe house opens
2010 The hippo hous is renovated
2011 A new lynx enclosure opens
2012 The owl aviaries are renovated and waders get a new enclosure
Map 2013
Map 2020
After paying the entrance fee we have the flamingo lagoon on front of us and a bit later en enclosure for rheas, here we turn right, to get to the aquarium building. Its next neighbours is a house for Latvian amphibians and reptiles. Follow then the reindder enclosure left to se rodents and the mink. Then turning right we meet the peacock, small tropical ducks and owls, just tu turn right again. Turning left at the maned wolves we soon after meet Bukhara Urial and markhors. At the aviaries for birds of prey we follow the road to the left wolves, lions and then following the road to the right to meet the dhole. To the left we then have the Australien house, in front of it is an enclosure for meerkats. Theire neighbourse are Japanese macaquesn and Galapagos tortois. Oposite is a large Amur tiger enclosure. Let us then enter the tropical house, where you walk through a tropical forest, meet different species of insects and at last noctural animals Outside again follow the path to the right to meet ringtailed lemurs, porcupines and polar bears. Going arround the coaties we soon after meet kangarros and on the right several aviaries for pelicans, cranes, phesants. Behind it are aviaries for birds of prey. Then its time to look at giraffes and follow the path behind the giraffe house to marvel at the Baltic sea. In front of us we now have deer, turn right and follow the path to meet takins, alpaca and llama. At the pecari we turn left to se wild boar, Hungarian grey cattle, fallow deer and banteng. Here we then turn right to get to the reptile house and look at several aviaries for parots. At the pudu enclosure we turn right and meet the capybara. Across is the old pachyderm house, today home for the hippos, inside the elephant part today is a zoological museum concentraiting on elephants. Out side again we see the Bactrian camel and after it follows zoo farm, where you meet Latvian farm animals. To the right we then se the South American tapir and afterwards follo the path to the left of the cassowary. Befor going to the exit we then look at seals.
DE: Der älteste Zoo der Baltischen Staaten zeigt Buchara Urial, Angola Löwen und hat ein interessantes Tropenhaus. Riga Zoo hat eine stelle 154 km entfernt von Riga, wo die welt grösste Herde Kiangs gehalten wird.
DK: Dette er den ældste zoo i de baltiske lande og viser Bukara urial, katanga løver og ligeledes har et interessant tropehus. 154 km fra Riga har haven en afdeling hvor man bl.a. har verdens største gruppe kianger