Zoo Planckendael



City: Mechelen
Country: Belgium
Province: Antwerp
Opend 1956

Species 200


This fully modern zoo is a perfect addition to the Antwerpen Zoo, both animal collections complement each other , so you can visit both parks without the same impression twice to see. The Zoo today covers 42 hectares 

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In 1956 the Royal Zoological Society of Antwerpen (KMDA) bought Planckendael to the estate. Somewhat later the park opened its doors to the public. Initially, the domain used by the Antwerp Zoo as a " country house "for the animals to recover , for breeding programs or if there was lack of room in Antwerp . Public interest was initially very moderate, and limited resources also made a slow development possible. In 1985 A restructuring plan was drawn up with the zoo was expanded to a young, wide and open park with large animal enclosures .

Last visited 2014


Dierenpark Planckendael
Leuvensesteenweg 582

B - 2812 Mechelen




Phone number 015414921


Opened minimum 10 am - 4:45 pm


Entrance fee

  • Adult 34,50 Euro
  • Child 32,50 Euro

Seasoncards (Valid for Planckendael and Antwerp Zoo)

  • Adult 99,- Euro
  • Family** 229,- Euro
  • Single parent** 145,- Euro

** Single parent and Familly-cards are valid for 1 ore 2 parents/grandparents and the famillys kids



For kids there is a petting area and several playgrounds


map 2011 Map 2013 Map 2014 Map 2015 Map 2020

This zoo is divided in to geographical zones. Before entering the zoo we meet pelicans, white storks and an aviary for vultures. After having payed the entrance fee we first meet the Indian Rhino and turn left. Two paddocks bordering a hut house with a couple of Eurasian badgers and raccoons. Their respective burrows are visible in the central hut . Red fox are presented a little later in an enclosure surrounded by a moat . Visitors then move into an aviary where Barn Owls, Long-eared Owl and Choughs live. A couple of European Beavers occupies a part of this aviary, formed as a landscaped stream. The visitor then enters an area devoted to Africa. To the left of the trail is an aviary where there are African spoonbills. Grevy's zebras are presented in a large grassy enclosure surrounded by a ditch filled with water. Next is a savannah with eland and giraffes. Following the path we are having Bongos in front of us. To the right are blue wilderbeest and to the left scimitar oryx. Opposite are striped hyenas and next to the oryx we find the cheetah. Behind them we find some gazelles.. Following the main path again we are seeing bisons and elks, following theire enclosurewe see the island for bonobos and a bit later an enclosure for watussia ankole cattle. Going to the left we enter the American area we we first meet different aviaries for macaws and other birds. They are followed by Patagonian cavys. Lets then enter the island for lion tamarins. Out side again we meet the bush dogs, they are followed by the bisons and elks we have seen befor. Kids will love the next area where we find the petting zoo and donkeys. Lets then meet the guanaco, vicugna and coaties. They are followe by pecaries befor we enter the aviaries for flamingos and penguins.  The next area is the Oceanian area, on our tour we will meet wombats, edchinas, kangaroos, casowarys and koala bears. Of course there also are some other birds like the Kookaburra and reptiles. The last area is the Asian area starting with the Prezewalski's horse. At the Bactrian camels we turn left and meet snow leopards. Maybe the most popular animals are the following Asian elephants. Then its time to meet the Manchurian cranes, Visayan warty pigs and Asian lions. They are folloed by Oriental small clawed otters and gibbons. Before leaving we take a look at a tropical house with lots of birds and then the European bison.

 DE: Der nationale Zoo von Belgien liegt in Antwerpen und der Tierpark in der nähe von Mecheln ist seine ländliche Abteilung. Hier trift man auf viele verschiedene Huftiere wie das Panzernashorn, das Anoa und den Bongo. Aber auch tiere wie den Koala und den Ameiseisenigel gibt es zu sehen.

DK: Belgiens nationalzoo ligger i Antwerpen og dette er dens afdeling på landet. Derfor vises især hovdyr, der har masser af plads, her skal blot nævnes pansernæsehornet, anoaen og bongoen. Ligeledes finder dyr som koalaen og myrepindsvinet.

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