City: Paris
Country: France
Region: Ile de France
Opend 1934
Species 235
Paris zoo invented it self new in 2014 by closing down for 6 years and renovating and remodeling everything. Today it has a large tropical house with sea cows among others. Out side of it the zoo now is geographical, especially showing the different climatic zones of Africa
Last visit 2014
Parc Zoologique de Paris,
53 avenue de Saint-Maurice
75012 Paris
Phone nr 01 44 75 20 10
Open minimum 10am-5pm
Adult 22 Euro
Child 16,50 Euro
Annual card
Adult 65 Euro
Child 55 Euro
Kids will love the petting zoo and the daily feeding shows
Photography is allowed, plese mention the zoo on your pictures
In 1860, the director of the National Museum of Natural History Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire recommends the use of an annex to the menagerie of the Museum to study animal behavior. Le Jardin d'acclimation could be that place but under the terms of the concession, it is mainly the animals 'useful' that are presented. A law of July 7, 1860 at the Museum provides sixteen hectares of the Bois de Vincennes, Crown property that had been conveyed to the City of Paris. The project takes time to materialize but an event precipitated things: the Colonial Exhibition of 1931 requires the opening of a temporary zoo is established at Vincennes. Directed by Henry Thetard, he soon discovered that the opening exotic animals to an enthusiastic visitors and getting more than five million people between 10 May and 15 November 1931 it was a succes. Once the exhibition is over, it was decided to install a permanent zoo and to transfer it to another site of the Bois de Vincennes, to the current location. The Zoo de Vincennes is designed by geologist Paul Lemoine (Director of the National Museum of Natural History from 1932 to 1936) in agreement with the city of Paris. It had been conceived in his mind before his appointment as Director of the Museum in December 1931. Opened June 2, 1934 by the President of the Republic, Albert Lebrun, the zoo is built by Charles Letrosne an architect designing civilian buildings and national palaces. It is built according to the architectural style of the innovative zoo Hamburg Carl Hagenbeck, a revolutionary model for the time which was to present the animals without cages, trays, ditches and riprap so as not to separate them from the public by bars. Inside Lodges many animals could also be visited by the public. Very quickly, it was a great success with the Parisians, who can admire spectacular wildlife, in a more "natural" than the old menageries such as the Jardin des Plantes. Its facilities have enabled it to host many animals, especially large mammals. The zoo has achieved great success in the reproduction of the Asian elephant, the giraffe and the okapi, all three threatened with extinction in the wild, as well as a multitude of cats, of bears, antelopes and deer.It also presented (only to have been higher in Europe a specimen from 1936 to 1940) very rare species in captivity, such as the koupreys, elephant seals (one specimen lived thirty years), the Indian rhinoceros and the giant panda (a male of this species named Yen Yen, offered as part of diplomatic relations between China and France, lived here from 1973 to 2000, which represents one of the longest lifespans for this species in captivity). However, it never showed many species of small size, lack of adequate facilities, despite the construction of some aviaries and opening of a house for lemurs in 1986, where groups of nocturnal lemurs often scarce evolved into an artificial darkness. From the 1980s,the zoo facilities deteriorated sharply, by the aging pens and rocks reinforced concrete (which had been designed for a period of 50 years in 1930), without n 'there was a plan of complete overhaul. If the large mountain (originally designed to house alpine animals, it was oversized to receive two fastest in Europe in 1934 drinking water reservoirs, wells bighorn sheep, stairs and lift with speed of 3 meters per second), an emblematic figure, was renovated in the 1990s, this was not the case with many other facilities that have been closed to the public in the early 2000s, and some animals (elephants, cats, rhinos, bears) have been moved out of the zoo. The zoo closed its doors in 2008. Zoo de Vincennes has seen since the late twentieth century, its attendance decline (300,000 visitors in 2005, against 600,000 in 2004, 800,000 in 2003, 1,000,000 in 1984, 1,500,000 in 1968). In 2004, the deterioration of facilities is so visible, that elected mobilize. Laurent Lafon, mayor of Vincennes and regional councilor of Ile-de-France, launches the "Movement of popular support for the Vincennes Zoo," a petition collected thousands of signatures in order to attract the attention of ministers the need to renovate the zoo, threatened with closure for non-compliance. In September 2004, L. Lafon again raises the question of the future of the institution, in an article in the news paper Le Monde. In December 2004, the National Assembly, a member of the Val-de-Marne, Patrick Beaudouin, calls about François d'Aubert, Deputy Minister for Research. Shortly after, 500,000 euros are unlocked by emergency work essential to the gas networks and electricity on the rock. In 2005, the Government spent a million euros for the animals and the public and additional 1.2 million for the lemur aviaries and welcoming new residents. This allows finally to start the renovation. The overall cost of the work, which began in the first quarter of 2007 was estimated at between 120 and 130 million euros, for a final cost of 167 million. The renovation plan has the property at a "world reference", as stated Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, president of the scientific committee. Public funds missing, a public-private partnership set up to finance the project. Private actors (mainly Bouygues Construction and Savings Bank) provide 94% funding (€ 157 million) in exchange for a rent of € 15 million per year to pay for 25 years, corresponding approximately the additional revenues generated by the increase in prices of inputs. This partnership comes to donate part of the proceeds of the public zoo to private actors, but does not affect the status and duties of staff and research associates, nor the public service missions of the park (research, protection of species). Furthermore, the chosen architect firm is committed to sustainable development and respect bind the animal condition, presenting the animals in their habitats. Thus, "the visitor will be the guest of the animal it encounters in its reconstituted universe." The principle of the new zoo is not possible to show the animals, but to enhance their presentation in their habitat: European, Guyana, Madagascar, African and Patagonian, as the choice was detained according to the origins of the majority residents of the zoo. The actual work took two and a half years, the animals being moved during this time is inside the perimeter of the zoo (giraffes), or in other institutions such as the Museum of the Jardin des Plantes menagerie in Paris, ecology center Brunoy, the Clères zoo or the reserve Haute-Touche at Obterre, or even in other partner zoos (Edinburgh, Dublin, Moscow, Montpellier ...). The animals were resettled as pens, aviaries and greenhouse were completed. The new zoo in Paris opens to the public April 12, 2014. This is the only zoo in the world to have been completely rebuilt, with the exception of the entrance Saint-Mande now closed,
After paying the entrance we turn to the road on the rigt to enter Patagonia. Here we start with a large pampas with rheas and guanacos. They are followed by sea lions and Humbold's penguins. The last animals of the area are the cougars and the pudu. Hungry? On the right hand there is the picnic area. Els we can go on watching animals of the Sahel, especially of Sudan. We start with a savannah with Grevy's zebras and white rhinoceroses. At the lion we follow the path to the left to meet scimtar oryx and giraffes. In this area we also finf the Addax. The giraffes have acces to an other savannah with ostriches, larger kudus and several birds. At the restaurant you can take the path to the a large walk through aviary, home to flamingos, storks and other birds. Out side again turn right and meet baboons. We enter now the European part, that begins with the European otter. Here it is possibel to enter the mountain, inside different European amphibia and reptilis are having theire home. Out side we turn left and se the large aviary with vultures, Then it is time to watch the Iberian wolf, the Wolverine and the lynx. The next part is the tropical forest of Guyana to se the jaguar, lowland tapirs and wolly monkeys. It is time to enter the zoos tropical house now home to several bird species like the hyacinth macaw, but it also here we meet sea cows, tamarins and the giant anteater. The other half of the house shows animals from Madagascar like flying foxes, poison frogs, greater bamboo lemurs and birds. Out side the tropical house we meet some flying foxes in a large aviary, befor we pass the Fossa and the crowned sifaka,
DE: Der Zoo von Paris war 1934 einer der Welt besten bei seiner eröffnung, leider wurde in ihm danach nicht mehr investiert und wurde immer mehr von anderen überholt. 2008 schloss er dann sein Pforten um 2014 aus seinem Dornröschenschlaf als einer der besten wieder zu eröffnen. Auf dem Weg durch den Zoo trift man auf seltenheiten wie den Kronensifaka, Seekühen und Ibirische Wölfe.
DK: Paris zoo var ved sin åbning 1934 blandt verdens beste, det sværre blev der defter ikke investeret mere i haven og derfor overhaler indenom. 2008 lukkede man derfor haven og den vågnede op af en tornerosesøvn i 2014 og er igen blandt de beste. På vejen gennem haven møder man bl.a. kronesifakaer, søkøer og ibiriske ulve