Leningrad Zoopark


City: Saint Petersburg

Country: Russia

Federal District: Northwestern Federal District

Opened 14.08.1865



Species 391



This zoo is one of the old fashioned one and it thinks of moving out of the city. It shows apes as the orangutan, cats like the Asian Lion and the Manual

Last visit 2015

Leningradsky Zoo
Aleksandrovskij Park
D 1
Saint Petersburg


Phone nr  (812) 232-8260

Open minimum 10am-5pm

  • Adult 600 Rubel
  • Child 200 Rubel
Though this Zoo has a good children zoo and kids can ride on a pony, the animal cages will look verry small for European and American cildren


On November 11th 1864 the dutch Julius Gebgardta Device asked the city for grounds so that he could open a zoo as all the other imperial capitals had through Europa, this was granted. Though his wife Sophia was known as the dutch beauty and normally its said that she was the founder. The opening was a success, even lions and tigers where in the collection. But soon hard times came, many animals died becourse of a cold winter and no heating system worked for real, as well as there where no bridges over the river Neva - so no visitors came. In 1866 the zoo then had a dutch dairy made of milk of imported dutch cows, to get a small income that way. The winter of 1866 the zoo opened a branch on the fields of mars. 1871 Julius Gebgardta Device died and Sophia remarried the 30 years younger Ernest Antoniovich. They first errected an open air scene for classical music, a venue that got quite popular. In 1889 the zoo got its own elektricity turbine, one of the first places in the city - most of the city was lid by Kerosene. Beside animals the zoo did from 1879 endemic people, something typical for those days. Since Ernest was a man of science a lot of the animals bred, like the hippos, spotted and red kangaroo. In 1890 becourse of the 25th anniversarry the zoo got among others 2 Asian lephants and a polar bear as present. Since 1877 the zoo had the now extinct carolina parakeet. Ernest had to withdraw as a director in 1897 befor he could buil a stone house for carnivores like the one in Berlin. So at that time all houses where made out of timber. The next 12 years nothing happend and the first cortcases where made between baron PP von Winkler and the city. He had least the grounds for 15000 silverrubels a year, but forgot to pay the rent. He also did forget to feed the animals and pay the sallery for the staff. Since may 17th 1910 the owner then was Semen Nikodimovich Novikov, but the animals where at such a bad state, that the vetrenaries of Moscow Zoo removed the animals. So the zoo had to beginn more or less from scratch again. In 1911 a contract with Carl Hagenbeck in Hamburg was signed and over the years he delivered animals as 2 Asian elephants and a black rhino. The open air scene got popular as well and some animal trainig shows where shown. the 50th anniversarry was the occoassion of opening the new entrance building, almost a copy of the old entrance of modern Hamburg zoo (Germany). 1917 the revolution came and 1918 by state decree the zoo as every other entertainment place in the country was  officially made as a part of the state. Leader of the zoo was then the national council of natural scientists, there work was stoped in 1924 by a flood. Becourse of the scientific work the zoos polar bears the next decade got 5 cubs. The zoos area though was to small, so the zoo got a new area outside of the city, the removement was stopped though by World War II. The Germans came closer to the city, so on 30th July 1941 80 animals were removed to the zoo of Kazan, the rest of the larger anmals had to be shot for saftey reasons. On September 8th 1941 the first 3 bombs fell, several animals died like the favorit Betty an Asian elephant. The winter of 1941 Elektricity and water surply was stoped. Then Hitler decided to starve the people of the city, by cutting all foodlines. 2 million people died those 3 years, where each citizen got less than 300 calories of food daily (a young man eats at lest 2000 calories daily or 2 people had to share a Big Mac). Still in this situation the citizens loved their zoo and it did not close, though most people did not have the energy to visit it. After the war the population slightly grew again, 1951 the zoo got an Asian elephant from Prague zoo, the first after 10 years. 1954 a pair arrived in 1954, theire first calf was born 9th October 1956 (she only lived to 1959).
Map 2012 Mаp 2015
After paying the entrance fee we turn right to see the polar bears, they are follwed by the cat house, home for lions, jaguars and snow leopards among other. Across we find the bear cages, home to the brown bear and black bear. Next to the cat house is the monkey house, here we find the lar gibbon, mandrills and moor macaque. Afterwards we enter the aquarium & terrarium builing with fish, snakes and crocodiles. Outside again we then walk towards the deer house home to fallow deer, moose and reindeer. Opposite is the tropical bird house, in front o it are aviaries for peacocks and water fowl. Looking at some more deer and then following the small funfair we find the camels house, home for Bactrian camels, guanacos and wild boar. The following the area where there daily are riding shows we find the rodent house and the small carnovore house, here you finde several species of Marten. Opposite we find the house for wild goats like the Sibirean ibex. Next to it we find severel enclosures for ungulates. Then it's time to look at Japanese macaques and tigers. Afterwards follows a new row of ungulates as well as Prezewalski's horse. Then we reached a large lake for water fowl and follow it before we turn to the enclosures for the European otter.  Facing the tropical bird house again we see the red-crowned crane followed by som aviaries for birds of prey. Going in between these we turn right to se aviaries for waders, go a bit back for then to see different species of owls ans passerines. Then it's time to look at the childrens zoo, with among other goats to pet. Going back to the tropical bird house  we see next to it giraffes and wallabies, before we head for the exit.

DE: Dieser Zoo hat ein interessantes Aquariumhaus und zeigt selten gezeigte Tiere wie den Sibirischen Steinbock und den Buntmarder. Leider ist das Areal sehr klein und die Tierhäuser meist sehr altmodisch, deshalb ist ein umzug der grossen Tiere auf ein neues Gelände geplant.

DK: Denne have har et interessant akvarie og viser sjælden viste dyr som den sibiriske stenbuk og  charsamården. Det sværre er havens areal meget lille og dyrhusene som regel  meget gammeldags, derfor er der planlagt en flytning af de store dyr til et nyt område.
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